Are Brands important?

Are Brands important? Roberto Goizueta, the late CEO of Coca Cola, commented: " All our factories and facilities could burn down tomorrow but you'd hardly touch the value of the company; all that actually lies in the goodwill of our brand franchise and the collective knowledge in the company. "

And a booklet by Johson & Johnson reaffirms this: " Our company's name and trademark are by far our most valuable assets."

Companies must work Hard to build Brands. David Ogilvy insisted: " Any damn fool can put on a deal, but it taken genius, faith and perseverance to create a brand."

Apakah anda sudah mulai mengetahui manfaat memiliki brand yang kuat?
Apakah anda mengetahui bahwa membangun brand itu butuh waktu, strategi dan biaya?


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